Expanded States of Consciousness World Summit

Over the last decade I continue to be humbled working in the field of transpersonal studies. Specifically, the practice of healing, expanded states of consciousness and spirituality I have been witness to and lead. Having the deep honor to walk along many people on their healing path it is important to share another chance to deepen all our learning.
The fact that I have had the chance to watch and witness so much courage and so much healing leaves me in boundless appreciation.
Over my time together with the spirits I have been with I find deep gratitude in walking with them and holding space to all their integration and transformation towards wholeness.
It brings me a vast amount of humility and profound excitement to share with you The Expand States World Summit conference with some of the most brilliant minds in the field of psychology and spiritual healing
The speakers include Deepak Chopra, Wim Hoff, Andrew Weil, Dennis McKenna, Dan Seigel, Krishna Das, Alex & Allyson Grey, and more.
I will be presenting on the 8th day of the 9-day conference-taking place April 18th to April 26th online. This global conversation on expanded states of consciousness is for everyone to feel, learn and heal with me personally talking about the importance of integration in psychedelics and other expand states of consciousness.
It is a free entry, with the invitation to go as deep as you desire.
In deep humility and gratitude