Part 2 How to Foster a Spiritual Focus in Therapy
Getting answers to questions is a significant part of coming into therapy. The process of healing in therapy can also be an introduction...
A Pandemic for the Ages: Pornography Addiction Myths
In a world of revolving pandemic discussions, everyone’s first thought is COVID-19. Rightfully so, it is a global tragedy. Yet from my...
What do you do? AND What would you like to do?
Ok… For just a moment humor me and explore a chain of experiences you may find yourself in the middle of... Read through the following...
Thoughts on Digital Detoxing
On average, we spend more than 11 hours a day watching, listening and interacting with digital media. This can become unhealthy and a...
Invitation: The Incremental Path
In 2012 there was a prophecy or idea that due to the Mayan Calendar we were going to see a drastic change in the world. The 2012...
Your Invitation
The Invitation Generally defined, an invitation is a spoken or written request for someones presense or participation. In the following...
What I have learned…
What I have learned as a therapist working with clients is astounding. The gratitude and abundance of learning through all the modalities...
FOMO Fear of Missing out ... on reality?
Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not of hundred or a thousand; instead of a million...
Disconnect to Reconnect - The A, B, C's of detoxing
Last night I spent the 60th day without my iPhone. Getting ready for bed with a combination of cleaning up after dinner with my journal...
Reasons to do a digital detox
We’ve all been there randomly lost in a rabbit hole on our device. What gets you the quickest, the phone, tablet, or your computer? When...