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How Do You Label Yourself?

How do you label yourself?

Learning to love yourself isn’t an easy task, especially if you’ve been told you are worthless throughout your childhood. It does get easier each day, once you start to accept that you are NOT what they label you. This is profoundly shown both in people living with depression and anxiety as well as people living towards a gender transition. Specifically, I want to share 3 ways to cope with self-shaming, loathing behavior, which can potentially be felt from both the external world or experienced internally from past, present or future situations.

  1. Writing Affirmations: I am worthy of love, I’m not a freak, I love myself. There are days you do not want to write these words, you do not want to feel theses words or believe it. I encourage you to get in the habit of writing down a mantra, take a phrase and then take the time to feel what that word or phrase means to you. By doing this you will absorb it.

  2. Verbalize these Affirmations: Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Start complimenting myself through the mirror, and do this day everyday. I have started to realize that destructive behavior was the result of believing the hatred and ignorance. Affirmations really help. By starting to engage in verbalizing your affirmations you will then have a chance to feel these affirmations.

  3. Act out the Affirmations: When I say act out these affirmations I really mean feel the affirmation at a deep level, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Please act according to your specific affirmation.

Ryan is a therapist and visionary for His intention is to change the way we look at counseling. He is a specialist in sex therapy, anxiety, and depression. You can connect him at or 952.261.5269.

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