Therapeutically Recreational or Recreational Therapeutic
Disclaimer - The recreational use of illegal substances such as psychedelics is a fully loaded conversation; furthermore, a subject...
The Creative Way With Psychedelics
Psychedelic compounds offer a wide array of therapeutic benefits in a safe, sterile, therapeutically designed setting. All the latest...
Real or the shadow?
The Cave and Change. Perhaps one of the most popular allegories in all of philosophy is Plato’s allegory of the cave. Many students and...
Psychosis or Spiritually Emergence?
Psychedelic Integration: How to Distinguish Between Spiritual Emergence and Psychosis I sometimes ask the question in therapy, “What is...
Get off the Couch
Getting the most out of your digital therapy. Off the couch – the digital age of therapy. Sigmund Freud had a couch and in the “classic”...
Weekly Random Thoughts (feelings, questions, and experiences).
Weekly Random Thought: Why work with dreams? Some people call them ear-worms, some call them mind-pops, but random thoughts that enter...
Reality - Perception - Your Life
There's a well-known adage that perception is reality. How we see something becomes our truth, which can sometimes be self-limiting. I...
Exploring the Spiritual Path of Therapy
I chose Healing Souls as the name of my therapy practice intentionally. It feels bigger than me and transparently what I believe therapy...
Healing with DreamWork
Introduction to DreamWork Join me for Healing Souls Virtual DreamWorks Every once and awhile everyone is curious about their dreams. At...
What do you do? AND What would you like to do?
Ok… For just a moment humor me and explore a chain of experiences you may find yourself in the middle of... Read through the following...