What I have learned…
What I have learned as a therapist working with clients is astounding. The gratitude and abundance of learning through all the modalities...
How to Support a Porn Addict
No one goes into partnership with the idea of hurting the other person; however, sometimes situations out of our control happen....
3 ways to help you overcome porn addiction
When meeting clients who are struggling with porn addiction, we go through a series of initial questions: Do you enjoy watching porn?...
Journaling for porn addiction therapy
Journaling is often overlooked as a way of understanding our personal experiences and reflections regarding relapse prevention for porn addi
Overcome Sex or Porn Addiction with Mount Everest
Overcome porn or sex addiction by climbing Mount Everest (analogy). You can set up the right plan and vision to help you overcome porn or se
Help With Porn Addiction
Fact: 9 out of 10 Internet porn users use free material to access their habit (ie. thumbnails and amateur pornography). Fact: 2 out of 5...